On Top of the World Hobby Building Event Room
9125 SW 98th Street, Ocala 34481
2025 Sunday Meeting Dates:
January 5th and 19th
February 2nd and 16th
March 9th and 23rd
April 6th and 20th
May 4th and 18th
June 8th and 22nd
July 6th and 20th
August 3rd and 17th
September 7th and 21st
October 5th and 19th
Novermber 2nd and 16th
December 7th
The Freethinkers Open Forum kickoff was held on January 23 and was very well received! The next session will be held on Sunday, February 16. If you are really passionate about a topic and want to see it on the agenda, please volunteer to be a moderator on that topic, and the Open Forum Team will consider adding it to the agenda. Let Roger Mack at freethinkersotow@gmail.com know. Topics will be emailed about a week before the meeting so you can consider them.
The topic that seemed to generate the most controversy at the last meeting was Despotic Leaders. Good points were made that we are headed toward despotism in America right now. Others felt that by a historical comparison, we were nowhere near despotism in America at this time. Diverse opinions are valued by freethinkers!
The most thoughtful discussion was the transgender topic. Participants were sincerely perplexed on how to compassionately handle medical and social issues when it comes to children identifying as transgender. Perhaps this is a topic that we as Freethinkers would benefit from exploring further.
Again, please let Roger know if you have any comments or topics for Freethinkers Open Forum.
Several topics will be announced prior to the meeting and each subject will have its own table for an in-depth discussion, so you will be able to choose an issue of interest to you.
Tracy Fero of Fero and Sons Insurance will provide a powerpoint presentation and has advised that she is reserving most of the time for Q & A. So bring your questions of a general nature about vehicle and home insurance, the process of obtaining insurance and making a claim, flood and hurricane riders, liability, uninsured motorist, and more. Sorry, she will not be able to handles individual insurance matters at this metting.
Topics will be emailed around February 9.
MONDAY FEBRUARY 24, 6:30-8:00 PM
Join your fellow freethinkers in an in-depth discussion of Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson, available from Amazon, Thrift Books, or your local library. Get the book, read the book, make some notes and let's talk. We will meet in the Hobby Building Events Room on Monday, February 24, from 6:30 - 8 pm. This is a book that will really help you understand why we are facing today's political crisis. Register by emailing Mel Cox at melcoxgraphics@yahoo.com or Glenn Cohen at gcohen608@troycable.net.
The Program Committee is inviting participant input—can you suggest a topic to be explored and presented? Do you have an idea for a topic you would like to present yourself? Reach out to Allie Gore at freethinkersotow@gmail.com with your ideas and suggestions for Sunday programs. The committee is preparing for the remainder of the year and your input is most welcome.
LOOKING AHEAD SUNDAY MARCH 9, 1–3 PM FROM CHRISTIAN MINISTER TO CHRISTIAN HUMANIST Dr. Rod Broker, a retired academic and clergyperson with a background in communications, counseling, and not-for-profit organization management, will present his journey "From Christian Minister to Christian Humanist," followed by Q&A and discussion. SUNDAY MARCH 23, 1–2:30 PM GETTING TO KNOW SETH ANDREWS We will watch a video featuring Seth Andrews, a well known atheist/humanist activist, podcaster, and author followed by a group discussion. |