About Us - Freethinkers CLUB


Freethinker - a person who forms their own ideas and opinions rather than accepting those of other people, one who forms opinions on the basis of reason, especially: one who rejects or is skeptical of religious dogma.



The Freethinkers Club in "On Top of the World" (OTOW) exists to create a safe, welcoming environment for freethinkers to gather for education and socialization.  


"Freethinkers dont't have to see eye to eye with one another.  But the purpose and gift of freethinking is seeking knowledge and wisdom through experience, dialoge and coopperation, if possible"

-Chris Highland, former Protestant mnister, author of The Friendly Freethinker



We welcome all on the freethinker spectrum from questioners to avowed atheists.  We exchange ideas/opinions through civil discourse.  We work to be open-minded. We listen to and respect the individual no matter the viewpoint.  We seek to understand and clarify when necessary.  We acknowledge personal biases and assumptions, recognizing how they cloud interpretations and we work to overcome them.



Individuals who identify as freethinkers are welcome to participate in the Freethinkers Club (FTC).


All participants in club meetings, events, and activities must provide contact information (email, phone, address) that will be included on the FTC distribution list and in the directory.  Participant contact information is only used for requirements of OTOW and club communications. Participants can withdraw from the club list and/or directory by notifying FreethinkersFlorida@gmail.com.


Participants who live outside of the OTOW gates must have the Gateway of Services Pass or be considered guest participants. OTOW requires the Freethinkers Club to collect a $5 per person participation fee from guest participants. The fee is collected at each meeting. The club pays the fee for first-time guest participants. 



The Freethinkers Club is described, by OTOW, as an informal club.  There is no governing board, no dues, or bylaws. 


Club meetings, activities, and events are organized and led/facilitated by FTC participants. 

FTC Participants and guest speakers are sources for programs. 

All available types of media may be used.

Food-related activities require a security deposit in advance of the event. 

The event room is returned to the original setup at the end of the meetings.


OTOW asks that participants from outside of the gate give 2 weeks advance notice of their intention to attend a meeting: FreethinkersFlorida@gmail.com.



*The Freethinkers Club was originally formed to continue many of the social and educational activities formerly offered by the Humanists of North Central Florida (HNCFL) a 501(c)3 organization dissolved effective December 31st, 2023.  Individuals who were members of the Humanists of North Central Florida are welcome to participate in the Freethinkers Club. Questions - FreethinkersFlorida@gmail.com